Want Dr Marten’s? Here’s why we don't sell Doc's anymore.

When I joined AG Meek’s in the 1990s the manager of our Newport shop took me on a tour of the stockroom.

He pointed to 6 bays of floor-to-ceiling racks of brown boxes bearing the Dr Marten’s logo.

“Black boots are in those 2 bays” he said

“Then Cherry, then Purple, then Green.

The shoes are in the two bays behind you.”

At that time DM’s were our biggest brand and cost £45 a pair

We’d been selling Dr Martens since the 1970s when they were a cheap and customisable work boot.

They waned in popularity in the early 2000’s and Grigg’s, the family run business who had manufactured Doc’s in Northamptonshire since the 1960’s, took much of the production to Asia to save costs


In the summer of 2019 we received an email informing us that Dr Martens were closing our account as

“We No longer feel the Dr Martens brand sits comfortably alongside your offering and the other brands that you sell”

Dr Martens had decided that their customer base was 18 to 25 years old and we and our broad range of mature customers didn’t fit their brand profile.

Also Dr Martens were in the process of withdrawing supply from all independent retailers to ensure they had Total price control.

Dr Martens had been bought by venture capitalist, Permira in 2014 who had been pumping up the brand value ever since.

First by raising the price from the then £70 (the equivalent price to £45 of the 90s) to £110

Then cranking it up further to £140

Followed by withdrawing supply from all eBay sellers in 2018

In March 2020 the venture capitalists took the brand public so extracting their profit.

It also made their accounts available for public viewing

Digging into those accounts reveals

Dr Martens are now making 30% net Profit on the brand 

10% is very very good in normal circumstances.

This means you are paying £50 a pair for the Dr Marten’s brand name.

When Dr Martens informed us that they no longer required our business we were at first shocked and a little worried.

We realised we were also a bit relieved because one of our main brand

values is

value for money


The  truth is Dr Martens were no longer meeting our standard.

Their design was becoming formulaic.

Black with thick sole unit and studs,
Black with ultra thick sole unit and dull tartan,
Black with ultra thick soles and studs


At £150 for basically plastic coated leather boots (so the cheapest leather)

An ancient sole unit technology originating in the 1940’s

Mass produced in China

and long supply chain

Not to mention that as the tools and lasts are now in China the copies were flooding out of China.

(Some of which are much cheaper and better quality.)

The dear old Doc wasn’t meeting our brand values

So what does?

Fly London for cool styling, exquisite leather, quality and comfort,

Rieker for latest technology, styling, quality and comfort,

Heavenly Feet for fun fashion, quality and comfort.

All these brands cost less than a pair of black 1460 Dr Martens.

All these brands supply excellent value for money.

All these brands don’t need 2 weeks of breaking in and blisters before they’re comfortable.

These brands easily meet our brand values of

Style, Quality and Comfort

That’s why we say

The Choice is Unique at AG Meek.


  • Declan Hughes

    I was I big fan of the brand but not now.
    ‘dr martens’ under their new owners have lost their way and should hang their heads in shame. When they nearly went bankrupt it was the small independent retailers that kept them going. Now that they are big time Charlie’s they have cast them aside as no longer needed. Unfortunately what goes up must come down. We small indies have seen them all before, we remember…… When Dr martens crash and burn (and they will) and you send out a rep because you want to diversify and get back to your roots? Don’t expect a warm welcome.
    Want something authentic then buy solovair!
    At least they are made in the UK!


    Well done! I bought a pair of Cherry Red DM’s off yourselves in the 1990’s for the said £45. I wore them and wore them and wore them and I still wear them so they were definitely value for money. Its sad they are so expensive now.

  • Lynn Phillips

    An independent retailer with great choice, value for money and ethics! Long may you continue trading! Can’t say the same for DM’s.

  • Paul

    The matchings unique at agmeek. I’ve been wearing doc’s since 1968. Would rather pay £50 for sole/heel than pay £145 for a shoddy Chinese replacement.

  • Dawn WOOD

    Well done Meeks for maintaining your values and integrity. You have explained why I will no longer buy Dr. Martin’s and I’ve worn them for 42 years, when they didn’t make them for women and women didn’t wear them. I was a 15 year old wearing the DM’s my brother didn’t want to wear.

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